PicoCTF 2018 - Script Me


Points Category Level
500 General Skills Hard


Can you understand the language and answer the questions to retrieve the flag? Connect to the service with nc 2018shell.picoctf.com 7866


Maybe try writing a python script?


So after connecting to the service this massage showed up:

() + () = ()()                                      => [combine]
((())) + () = ((())())                              => [absorb-right]
() + ((())) = (()(()))                              => [absorb-left]
(())(()) + () = (())(()())                          => [combined-absorb-right]
() + (())(()) = (()())(())                          => [combined-absorb-left]
(())(()) + ((())) = ((())(())(()))                  => [absorb-combined-right]
((())) + (())(()) = ((())(())(()))                  => [absorb-combined-left]
() + (()) + ((())) = (()()) + ((())) = ((()())(())) => [left-associative]

(()) + () = () + (()) = (()())

Let's start with a warmup.
(()) + (()()()) = ???

So there is a 8 rules and it’s like a math problem, so for understanding the rules.
I just tried to answer some questions and if I got wrong, the right answer showed up to show me where I was wrong.
After some tries I thought I understood the rules and here they are:

  1. Combine - the max depth of each part are equal => combine them
    example: ()()()(()) + (())() = ()()()(())(())()
  part1 part2 answer
value ()()()(()) (())() ()()()(())(())()
max depth 2 2 2
  1. Absorb left (and right) - if the max depth of the left part is more than >the max left of the right part => put the right part right before closing the left part
    example: (()) + () = (()())
  part1 part2 answer
value (()) () (()())
max depth 2 1 2
  • the absorb right it’s symmetric
  1. Left associative - start from the 2 left parts, do the + between them and take >the result + the third part
    example: () + (()) + ((())) = ((()())(()))
  part1 part2 part3 part1+part2 result+part3
value () (()) ((())) (()()) ((()())(()))
max depth 1 2 3 2 3

So I wrote this python script:

import re

#Count the max depth of a str.
#Each '(' add one, each ')' sub one.
def depth (str):
	max = 0
	curr = 0
	for c in str:
		if c == '(':
			curr+= 1
			if curr > max:
				max = curr
		if c == ')':
			curr-= 1
	return max

#AbsorbLeft (when the left part depth is more than the right part.
#Set all the left part without the closing ')' at the end, insert right part and close by ')'
def absorbLeft(left,right):
	return left[:-1]+right+left[-1]

#Symmertic to the absorbLeft
def absorbRight(left,right):
	return right[0] + left + right[1:]

def splitProblem(question):
	#Split by "?" and "=" and "+"
	question = re.split('[= + ?]', question)
	#Remove empty strings from the list
	return filter(None, question)	

def solveProblem(question):
	#Split the question to parts.
	parts = splitProblem(question)
	print "answer:"
	result = parts[0]
	for i in range(1,len(parts)):
		#The depth is equal for both, just add after the first part
		if(depth(result) == depth(parts[i])):
			result += parts[i]
		#Left part depth is less than the right part depth - 
		#Absorb right
		if(depth(result) < depth(parts[i])):
			result = absorbRight(result,parts[i])
		#else, left part depth is more than the right part depth - 
		#Absorb left
		result = absorbLeft(result,parts[i])
	return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
	text = raw_input("Enter question: ")
	while(text != "exit"):
		print solveProblem(text)
		text = raw_input("Enter question: ")

*Comments speaks for themselves

So I print each question I got from the shell to the script, got the answer and print it back in the shell,and after 5 questions I got the key.


