PicoCTF 2019 - shark on wire 1

shark on wire 1


Points Category Level
150 Forensics Easy


We found this packet capture. Recover the flag. You can also find the file in /problems/shark-on-wire-1_0_13d709ec13952807e477ba1b5404e620.


Try using a tool like Wireshark What are streams?


I download the file, and the file extension is pcap, So it’s Wireshark file. For those who don’t know what it is, Wireshark is a sniffing and packet analyzer program.

So download the program, and open the file with it - Wireshark Most of the time, the packters we are intrested in are UDP and TCP protocols, as I scroll down I could see a lot of UDP packets. I chose randomly one of those packets (just click on it), and opened the data tab - Packet We can see that it’s just a ‘b’, tried this on other packets but nothing came out. I cant check each packet…So Wireshark has it own filtering system, So i wanted to search a udp packets that contains the picoCTF format, after some searching it the web I found this as the filter I wanted -

udp contains “picoCTF”

(Dont forget to press enter to filter) tried it in Wireshark but nothing came out again.. Nothing So mabye the data is fragmented between many packets? In order to check this there is something called udp streams So in order to check those streams, I deleted the filter (and pressed Enter), chose random udp packet and press right click on it -> follow -> udp stream: UDP stream

A window open with the whole text of this stream, but it just junk…

Maybe this is not the correct stream, I tried to look at the others with change the stream id: Change stream I found the flag in the 5th stream! The flag

