PicoCTF 2019 - So Meta

So Meta


Points Category Level
150 Forensics Easy


Find the flag in this picture. You can also find the file in /problems/so-meta_6_8d7541b8d04bd65a01336fdb8db6db24.


What does meta mean in the context of files? Ever hear of metadata?


By the name of the challenge I immediately knew that it’s about Metadata

Metadata is “data information that provides information about other data”

So actually in our case it’s the information we have on the file itself (for examlpe, it’s size, last modified time, for image it can be width and height and etc).

So there is a nice tool called “exiftool” that extrect all the metadata on the file you ask for, I used it on our image -

 exiftool pico_img.png 

And this is the metadata that found: The flag! Look! the flag is it in the Artist name!

